I cut myself…

The Radiant Robbie
3 min readMay 8, 2023
Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash

I cut myself. Cut myself. Myself. And then all I saw was red. Red blood. Blood. Oozing…

Oozing right through the skin that’d been so easily parted by the steel knife edge.
Stop the bleeding. The bleeding. Bleeding. Put that index finger under running water and apply pressure.

Stop the bleeding. Spray some perfume on it; they say it would probably sting it to sanitation.

Still bleeding; my efforts seemed like throwing feathers through a slingshot; they were as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Salt. Douse, not spinkle; douse that finger with some salt. Still bleeding.
Drat! Bloody carrot that got me here applying pressure on this thing that just won’t stop bleeding.

I cut myself chopping a carrot. It didn’t hurt. I just wanted the bleeding to stop so that I could get on with my cooking.

Today, two mornings later, the bleeding has certainly stopped. I look at my finger and it’s slightly swollen and sensitive, but I can see the threads of healing.

The body is doing its work; sewing itself back to wholeness.

It’s incredible how intricate this human body is, in its ability to heal after it gets hurt somehow… I find it entirely phenomenal when I consider how super intelligent this careful masterpiece of our body truly is.

I have scars; big scars and small scars; scars from my childhood, and scars from yesterday…

I know that people do not like scars, but scars are proof that we have healed in some way; if even superficially; that we are no longer openly festering…

I have scars that’ve healed well and others not so well. But we heal; our body knows how to work on itself, and when we give it time, the wound stops bleeding, and the flesh comes together in the likeness of a needle work.

I do not know how people can see this high-functioning intelligent body and think that God does not exist or that there isn’t a higher being that keeps all things in equilibrium.

I do not know how people can assert that we are a product of some Big Bang theory without a source. I do not know of a machine so extensively and elaborately crafted like this super intelligent body.

And if this at all is madness, you must admit that there is an intricate method to the madness, that cannot be excused for mere coincidence or shoved under the carpet…

And if this is entirely madness, then you cannot deny that there is a method to the madness… Our existence cannot be random; it cannot be merely coincidental. This world and its entire ecosystem cannot be an afterthought; it is too in-depth; too living; too breathing to not have been designed with purpose and intention.

We were moulded and made with purpose and intent, and the blood that flows through our veins is the living evangelist to the higher power that pivots our existence.

So, I cut myself. Unintentionally, I cut myself while cooking, and it took me through an entire enlightenment about just how intentional God is, concerning every detail about us in this world…

God knows you. God sees you. God loves you. I hope you internalize this everyday. You are intentional… Made a masterpiece. Made for more…

You are a breathing blessing, even through all the scars, and cuts that attempt to bleed your soul of its worth…

#robbiewrites #radiantrobbie 8.5.23



The Radiant Robbie

Sometimes I have words and thoughts spilling from my soul, and if I don't write them down, I lose them. Robbie Writes. Radiant Robbie