I missed my period + Don’t complain when God gives you what you asked for…

The Radiant Robbie
4 min readMar 1, 2022
Photo by Natracare on Unsplash

Yes, I missed my period! And no, hold your shock, I was not pregnant when that happened and I am not pregnant now either. We’re telling a long ago story here.

So, there are so many reasons why a woman could miss her period, from stress to sudden weight loss to being overweight to doing too much exercise to not eating well, to pregnancy to hormones to sickness. The reasons are endless.

I’d always had a timely period prior. I use an app called “My calendar” to track it. I’ve been using it for a couple of years now (since 2018) and I’ve found it to be quite accurate. It calculates everything from ovulation to fertility windows to safe days and many others. It gives me a notification, three days in advance to prepare for “Aunt Flo” and it’s almost always right. Even if it’s a little off, it’s no more than +-2.

So, at that time, the tracker gave me the red light (because what other colour light could it be?) and so I was prepared. I was waiting for Aunt Flo to arrive, because she’d even started with the pimples signals. I waited, two days later, Aunt Flo still wasn’t in. Okay, give it a week, I’d said, because I’d been extremely stressed that month and I hadn’t been eating or sleeping well either.

One week, nothing. Another week, nothing!


And I was not panicking because I thought I was pregnant. That thought was the last thing on my mind, because if you know me, you know why this isn’t even an issue to consider at this point.

I was panicking because it meant, something was going wrong. Something was happening to my body, and I wasn’t ready for any wahala.

Hmmm, prayer point paaa!

I took it to the Lord in prayer. I started eating right, sleeping well, drinking turkey-berry juice, more fruits and vegetables and herbal supplements— I just entered a crash programme trying to do everything to re-regulate my body. Lol…

And let’s not forget how often I took communion. Everyday!!! I didn’t spare the blood of Jesus at all. Because how can I be taking the blood of Jesus and be having issues with blood? Lol…


And then, one unsuspecting day, when it had finally finished taking its sweet time, it showed up unannounced. I cannot tell you the internal shout of joy and gratitude when I saw that little red stain! I literally did the happy dance..

And then it was like a flood over the next few days. Mehn, I wanted to complain about the heaviness and the constant anxiety of having to skillfully check my seat or my dress each time I stood up. And running through pads. You know some days, flows are subtle, but this wasn’t so subtle. It felt like making up for lost time.

And then I wanted to complain, about how frustrating it was to constantly visit the bathroom to check if I was full, or just checking my clothes or seats for stains, or not being able to sleep on my back or face down during those days of Aunt Flo (sleeping on my side is the only thing that works to keep those sheets, because otherwise she travels in any other position and we can’t have that). You get it? If you don’t get it, forget about it. Lol (It’s a meme).

Anyway, this word came to me in that moment I wanted to complain:

“Isn’t this what you asked for? Isn’t this what you prayed for? Then why are you complaining now that God’s given you exactly what you requested for? Why are you weary that he gave you an overflow of what you desired?”

And it dawned upon me that we so often do this. We ask God for things, and when he gives them to us, we sometimes complain about the maintenance, or the work that goes into keeping it going. It does not give glory to God; it’s like a slap in his face after he heard our cries and did our bidding.

So I stopped complaining, because I’d rather have it than not have it all. And if I’d taken it for granted in the past, I wasn’t going to take it for granted anymore. I was grateful for Aunt Flo and her regular monthly visits. It was a foretelling that everything was working like it should.

Do not wait to lose something before you appreciate its value…

And I was grateful to God for the peace of mind of not having to wonder if I was okay. Because truly, you do not know what you have until you lose it. And I no longer want to lose things before I realize how valuable having them was. I do not want things to become a prayer point if I could keep them through gratitude.

I no longer say things like “I wish Aunt Flo didn’t have to come this month…” because the mental trauma I went through when it didn’t come isn’t something I want to revisit…

Whenever you’re about to complain about something, I want you to take a minute instead and remember a time when you didn’t have what you now have; and how much you prayed to God and hoped it would come, and I want you to use it as an opportunity to change your disposition for the better…

I want you to take a minute to thank God for every good thing you have now, knowing that it’s just as easy to lose it…

So yes, I missed my period, but now, I am no longer complaining about what I asked God for and you shouldn’t either…

#robbiewrites #radiantrobbie 1/3/2022



The Radiant Robbie

Sometimes I have words and thoughts spilling from my soul, and if I don't write them down, I lose them. Robbie Writes. Radiant Robbie